This Is One Of The Better Creator Games
It took me a while to find the song, it was cool how you made it pop out, thank god. I wasn't a fan of any of the songs, since it didn't catch my drift. I was cool how you could put it back in so you got more space. There was a lot of things to choose from, I mean a lot. For my guy I stuck a necklace around it, but not one of those girl necklace things, I mean serious bling. I also gave him some cool "sick" hair although that sort of made him look a little emo, and I'm not big with stupid emo people, ah whatever, it looked cool on him. I also like the feature how you could open head body and color, although at one part it seemed a little glitchy, I fixed the problem though, so I guess it was no problem. When I seen that wand I chuckled a bit, didn't fit my guy at all that I was making. Usually wands are smaller, I thought that was more of a staff, but hey it still looked cool. You made a great choice of clothing, I went with wild man since it fit with my bling, although it didn't seem to fit with my hair that well, oh well. The background colors were okay, I stuck with green although you could have added like real backgrounds. Just having one color in each background didn't seem fun to toggle around with. I think you wre kind of racist with the colors (joking) you should have had tan color and redneck color's for the tan's and the redneck's. I switched my hair to brown after, that way I wouldn't look like a stupid emo. I chose freaky gray looking eye's just to make myself look a little different. I wonder if anybody or any creature actually does have gray eye's who know's. I chose white clothes for my scraps to go with the bling. Nothing looks better with bling than white clothing. The graphics seemed good and the whole look around the guy that I dressed up was cool although you could have had a bigger diversion of music for people of all music genres to go though. Also you could have added a couple more people to choose from, since only one person isn't that much. How everything went in a came out was cool, it gave you back a lot of room. I guess this game would suit people who are clostraphovic well. Anyways great game, I'm glad you uploaded it to newgrounds, and just because you did, I made a super long review, my fingers are starting to ache. Anyways great game that you made.