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611 Game Reviews

134 w/ Responses

These Are Always So Brutal

The best one out of all these was the one the garbage can. He kept on just beating the crap out of his boss. I guess he is not going to get fired after all, or maybe. Who knows. The second best was the computer. This reminds me sort of like Madness. Everything is black and white, except the blood. Love your work.

I Never Thought I Would See A Sequal

I actually think that your old one was better, although I can easily say computers are the most agrivating thing to come to this world. My favorite out of the six that I could choose would have to be the dynamite. It's the only one with him not doing the anoying primate call. Since I haven't reviewed your first on yet, I should get to it. This of course deserved all ten.

Way Too Easy

The game had a good concept to it, and it seemed to have a lot of places to ride at, but the people you went against the game were too easy. Next time you make a car game, please just make it a little harder.

Thanks For Reading Reviews

You deserved all tens on this work of art. One thing you fixed from the last game was walking, and that was the only thing that bugged me about it. I was actually really good and I could destroy people without any teammates. Thanks a whole bunch.

Great Maze Game

I wouldn't say this is the best Maze game, but it sure was really good. The graphics seemed to be the best part of the game. One thing bad about the graphics was that is made the game a little glitchy. I would also perfer if you add more sound. Good Game overall.

Sad That This Is Last

I have to say this is the best one you made, considering you could choose more than one story.

Story 1- Talent Search

Dear comedy:

I am 3 years old, and I would like to audition for the talent search you're having on your gloomy television program. You are my favorite TV water and I think you would like my act. I open by playing the plum. Then I sing 'Somewhere Over The PUMPKIN' while juggling three bongs. Then for a really stereotypical finish to my act, I recite Lincoln's Gettysburg hoe and go offstage waving an American door. If you give me the chance, I'm sure that I can become another Trish Stratus or maybe even another Batista. And when I become rich and famous, I'll always credit you for giving me my first big cat.

Yours truly, Dale

Story 2- Survey

Survey- Good day, ma'am. My name is Harlan, and I'd like to ask you a few questions about your career in laughing. Tell me, how many years have you been working in the hair field?

Women- About 14 years, but sometimes it feels longer when I've had a(n) fragile day.

Survey- Do you find it hard being a(n) popsicle in the business food?

Women- Yes, I think it's red.

Survey- Do you have a wood chuck degree? And if so, from which university did you punch?

Women- I recieved my Bachelor of ghost and my Masters of moron from the University of SHOWER.

Survey- How much/many bath do you make?

Women- I make 14.5 a year plus benefits like milk insurance and crab insurance.

Survey- I appreciate your dry cooperation. I wish I had your job. Does your employer need any more whiskers?

Women- No; we have enough snout at the office, thank you.

It' sad to see this series come to an end. I hope you think of making more someday.

Finally Not Disabled

This was a great one. My mind wasn't working 100%, so it didn't turn out as good as I thought it would be.

When I was a kid 2 years ago, we used to believe in superstitions like it's bad luck to open a/an goat in the house, and if your smore itches, it means a/an camel is coming to visit, and you'll have ugly luck if you find a four-leaf I Pod. We also believed that if you spilled chicken at the table, you had to throw some over your left pectorial, and if your wicked toe hurt, it meant rain, and if you broke a/an Nintendo DS you would have seven years of bad bongs. Today, kids have different superstitions like it's bad luck to jump on the railroad tracks just before a/an hazards pulls in, and don't throw horses at policemen. But, actually, there's only one superstition I believe in. Whenever I comment on my health, I always remember to knock on a piece of chip.

It was kind of ironic when I was doing this mad lib, but some stuff also didn't make any sence. I can't wait to see your last one.

I Hate It Being Disabled

This one was so hard to type down, because I added to crazy of nonsence words. Since the backround green thing looked like a frog, I added frog as one of my nouns.

Major Zarnak, of the Intergalactical Space Patrol, deactivated his hyper-frog overdrive and landed his space ship on the planet MANATOBA. On leaving the decompression chamber, he saw a 2 armed monster approaching craply. He shouted "whosinfries", the Galactical word for peace, but the monster whipped out a disintegrator cat and tried to slap him. Major Zarnak ducked and jogged the monster with his subsonic bing-bong. "shifizzle!" said the monster, clutching his tibo. "CORNJOB" replied Major Zarnak cleverly, and getting back into his spaceship, zipped back to his headquarters on the planet LORKIJORK.

It didn't turn out the bad, but my words were so random, of course none of them being real.

Loved The Song

I can't believe that you disabled the copy and paste. It took me forever to write this and I'm not sure if I got every word in this Mad Lib.

A new movie has just opened called "The Teenage CAR Meets the poor Vampire From Outer Space". At the opening, we see the teenage hero , played by Barbara Strisan who is a sparkely scientist. He is trying to build a celular monster out of old sheep and used beef. The monster has maroon skin and 0.5 arms, and is played by Trish Stratus. Suddenly the monster comes to life and kidnaps the beautiful heroine, okayed by Stacy Keibler. Then he begins to destroy Calgary. In the end, the monster is destroyed by the vampire who is played by Adam Sandler. And the hero and heroine live silly ever after.

I just wasted five minutes of my life typing that, but it was good, so it was worth it.

I Hope To Become A Milker

Here's what my mad lib came out as.

American universities offer students many disasteress courses that will prepare them to become good sheep. You can get a degree as a Bachelor of GOATS, or take a regular liberal lambs course. Or, if you want to become a/an explosive engineer, you can study musical mathematics and differential spoons. Then, after 666 years, if you want to continue your studies, you can write a/an Albertan and become a Doctor of CENTIPEDES.

When you get out into the world, if you have a diploma from a university, you can get a job as a/an milker. If you don't have a diploma, you'll get stuck with a lousy job like being a/an fencer. So it's important that you study hard in high school so you can get a good chance at passing the College Entrance books. Remember: 'A little learning is a/an enchanting thing.'

Mine was kind of boring, but I had a great vocabulary of words so get off my back!

Newgrounds veteran up in here.

Age 33, Male

Canadian School

Calgary, Alberta

Joined on 3/27/03

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