Finally Something New
How did I miss this, I didn't know you came out with a new movie, thank god for wizardman telling me. It was kind of funny, I remember that time squad series they done, I guess the future is going to be screwed up again. I was kind of disapointed with the length and time of this movie, I know it's a "quick shot" which means it's going to be short, but still could have been longer and have the begining song to it, I always enjoy listening to that song. I wish you had tongs on this movie, nothing goes better than a side of tongs. Like usually the animation was clear and crisp and the voices were represented really good. It was funny when blockhead got angry at them for interupting his show he was watching, even though the show looked like crap, dog crap. The drematic part was also funny when he said "we need you to go, BACK TO THE FUTURE". Anyways I am glad you made another blockhead, eventhough it was short, and I'm hoping to see some more blockhead movies or shorts from you soon. Great movie overall and funny like usual. The Swain always make the best movies, haha of course I mean you.