View Profile MegaGold

809 Movie Reviews

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You Took This Up Big Time

This flash was really stepped up a notch. Cool scene effects, stick people converted to people, compressed 3d graphics and little bit bigger library of music(that being last time you had one song and this one you have two). One thing that still bugs me is that you did not fix the music problem from last years incident. The extras was kind of funny. It showed one little trick. I guess it doesn't hurt getting those extra points. Great graphics and scene effects. I hope this becomes a tradition.

Jestar responds:

Music problem?
Whatever. I got a nine :]

Great Stick/Skateboard Animation

The song really made this flash "stick" out if you get what I mean. It was really appealing and the trick animation was smoothe and flowed good throughout the flash. One thing that did not work with me was I wanted to see it again, but I wanted to pass the credits, so I right clicked and left clicked rewind, but the music kept on going. So when I pressed play at the menu, there was no sound after. The flash was still great, just maybe something you could fix sometime.

Jestar responds:

Dude, I'm not going to fix the flash so that people can screw around with the controls... But I'm glad you liked it.

Great F-Zero Song

It had a good joke to the end and I noticed you used the F-Zero song on newgrounds audio portal. That was a great choice of song. Sonic may be fast, but he is not even close to being that fast condsidering the F-Zero machines go faster than 2000 km/h. Great job with the animation and clever, funny joke.

Great Animation

For only your third animation, so seemed to really make a masterpiece. Please start making more flash. You seem to have created an amazing animation look. Just the dancing you made them do captured my mind. Great job.

Brutal Ending

The song seemed to be pretty good and the ending was really sad and brutal. You have got to feel a little sad for the girl at the end. I'm not sure what the flash was suposed to be about, but if I were to guess, it would have to be all about emotional stuff. Good music video and animation.

You Could Be The New Joe Cartoon

There is a lot of potential that can come out of you from what I seen. It was short, but the animation was sure great. If you could get a good voice for your flash than you could be the next Joe Cartoon. I hope to see another flash from you very soon. What the hell was that green thing that ate the fisher anyways?

Newgrounds veteran up in here.

Age 33, Male

Canadian School

Calgary, Alberta

Joined on 3/27/03

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