Yay Easter Bunny TT
I know easter past a long time ago, but this Time Trial looked really cool. Notice how I don't do the Time Trials in order, that is because I choose which one I think look good.
I thought it was really productive how you thought of enegizer. Poor crushed up rabbits. At least i know why the batteries keep on going and goint. You also had a good choice of song. Evil Dog rocks anyday. Now I think of it, the rabbit one from NGTT 5 should have maybe been on this flash too. Great, funny job overall.
My favorite how of the choice of endings was the corny one. Not one can destroy, the portal. I also thought wtf ending was cool. Seeing Madness in color, that is just crazy. It took me a long time to figure out that the white guy in the ninja costume was a rabbit. Different than all the rest of the flashes but the choice of ending made it great.
I must say, your 5 hours of hard work really show. This flash was amazing. I usually don't rate on the 8's, but this one deserved it. The rabbit looked so joyful and after he looked like Anikin when he joined the dark side. Great, trumendus job.
This flash really didn't give to me. It was not bad all in all, but not my type of flash. The song was so anoying. I'm not sure where you got that song from, but please don't use that one again.
God damn do I ever feel bad for the rabbit. The funniest part was when he gave that punk kid a little dolly. I understood that time why he got nailed in his fellas. The bunny was so cute, but I guess cute things can be treated like crap too. Overall this movie was awesome. The song also contributed to it. You could have used a better song, but that on worked anyways.