My 800th Review Time To Celebrate
This has got to be one of the best clay flashes ever!
Graphics: A little blocky at times, but for a smoothe clay flash the has people throwing balls and making fingers out of there hands, now that is just plain amazing. The only true 3d flashes or clay flashes.
Style: How could I put this mark lower. I love watching your Klaymations so much. This is one of my favourite types of flashes to watch, concitering you poor your heart out making one in like 3 days.
Sound: The sound I really just gave that mark for your voice acting. Knowing your the only one that does multiple voices that sound so different at times is more amazing than a solar eclipse.
Voilence: There really was no voilence on this flash like other flashes. I still couldn't give lower, because it's hard making something look voilent, plus I want my 800th to be one of the best reviews that I have ever done. EVER.
Interactivity: The reason that this got so high was that I kept on pressing the replaying button from laughing my butt off from the last time I seen it. Plus I love how before you press the button, you hear a klay persoo say "ouch".
Humor: What else could I have givin it other than a ten. Your flashes are mainly on the clay and slow humor. The funniest part was when the guy holding the Tennis ball said he was yabbering and moving his hand. Plain classic on movies and now on Klaymations I guess.
Overall: If I gave lower than a ten, than I would be living a lie for the rest of my life. Thanks for giving me a flash that I could do my 800th post on.
Yay 800 freaking posts!